Sunday, March 7, 2010

Musing: Following/ers

I follow 45 wizard101 blogs and 26 wizards on twitter.
Wow. That's a lot of reading. I love reading wizard blogs/twitter feeds, so if you are following me send me an email or a twitter message because I'd love to follow you! Or if you're a wizard who is new to the blogger/twitter world, email me too! I love to read blogs/twitter! Then email me and we can meet up in game sometime. My email:
P.S. I love you followers! You make my day! Thanks so much for taking the time to read my blog. :)


  1. I love followers too! Thanks for following me! I was wondering if we could meet in game? Ronan Ravenshard, Lvl 36 MYTH (yeah it rocks, I know) wiz.

  2. I'd love to meet up, I'm free on Tuesday from about 1-4pm Pacific time. Shall we meet up in the shopping district by Pat O' Gold? Lincoln, area 1?
    Let me know if/when works for you! I is fexible so we could find another time.
    Hope to see ya soon! :)


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