Why I'm making this I have no idea, because you can find one of these practically everywhere. I dunno, maybe I felt that because I had such a hard time with all the lingo when I first entered the spiral I should help out other people who might not understand. Well anyway, here goes!
PLOX = Peace, Loot or Experience (XP). More commonly known in the spiral as Pets, Loot or XP.
LOL = Laughing out loud/Lots of laughs a general display of laughter and enjoyment.
ROFL = Rolling on the floor laughing.
IDK = I don't know.
IKR = I know right!
IMO = In my opinion.
IMHO = In my humble opinion. Or, In my honest opinion.
AFK = Away from keyboard.
BRB = Be right back. Could be you leaving your computer or you leaving momentarily in game.
MIA = Missing in action.
ITS = In the spiral. Logging/logged onto Wizard101.
ITO = In the office.
TR = Test realm.
TP = Training points. No really. STOP LAUGHING!
TTYL = Talk to you later.
TTFN = Ta Ta for now.
WB = Welcome back.
TY = Thank you.
THNX/THX = Thanks.
YW = Your welcome.
NP = No problem.
AOE = Area of Effect, a spell that effects all enemies.
DOT = Damage over time, a spell that does damage over multiple rounds.
PVP = Player versus player.
PVE = Play versus environment. When your playing against the game.
WC = Wizard City.
KT = Krokotopia.
Krok = Krokotopia.
MB = Marleybone.
MS = Mooshu.
DS = Dragonspyre.
CL = Celestia.
WS = Wysteria.
ZF = Zafaria.
ToS or TotS = Trial of Spheres, the final dungeon in Celestia.
GM = Grandmaster.
LG = Legendary.
OJ = Orange Juice.
If you've got any other good one's to add that I've overlooked just comment and I'll put it in. :) (But only if it's appropriate guys.)