Monday, May 31, 2010

The polls are in...

Here are your new student teachers!
Congrats to all my friends and new student teachers! You guys rock!
You might notice that my name isn't on that list. And it's okay. I knew when I saw Ronan's name on the ballot that I was in for a hard race. I'm glad just to have survived! So right now I just want to say a BIG thank you to all the people who voted for me. You guys are awesome! Thank you so much for supporting me! The cookies are on me! :D

I met up this Ronan in game this morning. He named me assistant, and instructed us (myself and Cody) to kill Cyrus Drake and throw him in the lava.

It was a good way to release my dissapointment (just a little! :)) of not winning!

Next time Destiny and I will PWN! ;)


  1. I lost last term, and I know how sad it is. But I'm fairly positive that you'll win next time. I think you should have won this time, actually. Either way, anyone is better than old Cyrus...

  2. Um, about pwning next term...
    You can do that ALL you want. But I can't. Friendly's running. I've already lost.

  3. @Kestrel: I'm doing okay, I'm taking this way better than I thought I would...

    @Destiny: *GASP* That.......SCALLYWAG! Who says this? How can it be true? (grumbles. I thought he was the FRIENDLY necromancer....)


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